If you need help please feel free join #Help, and one of our staff will be more than happy to give you some assistance!
In the mean time we do offer lots of different services to help you use our IRC Network.
NickServ – NickServ helps manage your nick keeping it exclusively yours – Msg nickserv help, some of the more popular commands.
msg nickserv register pass email address
msg nickserv identify pass
ChanServ – ChanServ helps manage channels so you can have your own room – msg chanserv help
HostServ – HostServ helps mask your host so that you can have a custom host! – /msg HostServ help
BotServ – BotServ can provide you with a custom Services Bot for your room, if you want one made for you just ask in #Help – msg BotServ help
If you need assistance, please come into #Help and we will help yo uas best we can!